Sunday, 30 August 2009

Digital Scraps #2 - My top ten for the week of August 24-30

Here are some things that caught my eye on the Internet over the past few weeks.


It's always nice to see another Jamaican soaking up life in the Big Mikan. Be sure to check out Marcus' hilarious mountain party episode on his YouTube page here.

9. posted an entry about 10 mind-boggling meat structures. I would like to have a conversation with some of the people who makes things like this:

Personally, the machine gun one is my favourite. View all the others on Gizmodo's website.

8. A friend of mine posted this article on Facebook. I looked at it and wondered, how many people are going to get fired over this:

Okay. So, I guess some people might be ready to justify this by saying that there aren't many black people in Poland and so Microsoft had to adjust the ad to appeal to Poland's majority demographic. Still, that was just cold. Also, the photo-editing job was just horrible - you can still see the black man's hand there, as well as the Apple laptop on the table. Crappy PR campaigns = signs of the recession?

7. R.I.P. Ted Kennedy.

6. This was my favourite newspaper headline this week just because I work with boisterous children on a daily basis and I often get the urge to run away screaming whenever I happen across a noisy group of rugrats on my days off: More people irked by sounds of kids at play

5. I am a huge Mario Kart fan and when I play I usually get really competitive. This video cracked me up to no end:

4. Bye-bye Taro Aso. The Japanese went to the polls today and the Liberal Democrats conceded after some five decades in power. I wonder what that will mean for foreigner registration?

3. Speaking of politics, our own esteemed prime minister admitted that his government "should have taken the fiscal challenges by the scruff of the neck more vigorously." Well then, why didn't you? I guess it takes a big man to admit when he's made a mistake, right? Right.

2. Wow. Mexico waits to find out if they have the Guiness record for the most people dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" simultaneously. Check out the story here.

1. This was just brilliant. The woman just goes straight for the cameraman. I hope he made it out unscathed.

I guess she was just not having that.

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